A Solemn Moment in Time
Frontline Mission Report
by Uncle David Gates
In this issue, NEWS FLASHES are at the end of this article.
Dear volunteer team members and ministry supporters,
God has blessed the work of our hands during 2008 with great success. However, it came at a cost…filled with sacrifice and mixed with pain. Yet we rejoice in seeing God's work going forward against all challenges. I want to thank each of you for being willing to pick up your cross and follow Jesus' example. It has made a difference in the world to thousands of people, probably more like millions. It has also inspired church members to "go thou and do likewise."
The year we have just entered, 2009, will be filled with the same, but only to a greater extent than last year. Greater conquests will be accompanied by greater risks and greater challenges. The enemy of souls will not allow such conquests without determined resistance. We must therefore learn greater dependence on divine providence than every before. Jesus invites you to join Him as He goes forth conquering and to conquer. Such a conquest will bring great joy, BUT it will take everything you have.
"We are standing upon the threshold of great and solemn events. Prophecies are fulfilling. Strange, eventful history is being recorded in the books of heaven. Everything in our world is in agitation. There are wars, and rumors of wars. The nations are angry, and the time of the dead has come, that they should be judged. Events are changing to bring about the day of God which hasteth greatly. Only a moment of time, as it were, yet remains. But while already nation is rising against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, there is not now a general engagement. As yet the four winds are held until the servants of God shall be sealed in their foreheads. Then the powers of earth will marshal their forces for the last great battle." -- Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 14.
This past year has been filled with intensive activity on every continent and in every project. While "every power that is antagonistic to truth is strengthening," God's forces are also growing stronger and in total surrender being prepared for the final showdown between good and evil. In every part of the world, spiritual polarization is taking place. I am thrilled at the number of persons that are placing all on the altar and moving into line. All over the world, servants of God are hurrying about spreading the news, copying and giving away CDs and DVDs, buying or printing literature to give away, caring for medical and physical needs of others, teaching and flying. In Zambia, church members have placed large speakers on their cars which blare out the sermons which they downloaded off our web page, as they drive slowly through the cities. The world is indeed awake and looking for answers. NOW is the time to seize the moment.
Only because God's angels are holding the winds, can we still work today. Yet all around us we see evidences that confrontation between truth and error is soon to take place. We must learn to stand courageously for truth today inside the church if we expect to stand firmly before the world tomorrow.
"Soon the battle will be waged fiercely between those who serve and those who serve Him not. Soon everything that can be shaken will be shaken, that those things that cannot be shaken may remain." Testimonies, vol. 9, pp. 15, 16.
God is now on His white horse going forth conquering and to conquer. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, entire continents are being blanketed with truth by those willing to sacrifice all. Though God's resources are being poured out, the greater part is yet to come. As the Later Rain is being poured out, God promises to "restore the lost years that the locust hath eaten…my army that I have sent." Joel 2:25.
God sent an army of locusts to eat up our harvest because we have done things our way instead of His way. Hospitals, schools, aviation programs, and publishing houses have been closing for nearly thirty years. HOWEVER, the good news is that God is about to "restore the lost years" to those who through faith and obedience "spread their tents and enlarge their borders." Denominational institutions and supporting ministries alike may experience this explosive growth IF they move forward through FAITH and OBEDIENCE. It will take great risk but the only alternative is total loss.
Because we are continually seizing opportunities far beyond our capabilities, Gospel Ministries International (GMI) always faces difficult financial challenges. However we do so "knowing that His omnipotence will provide for their (our) need." ChS, p.77. Though the process has been painful, the result has been explosive growth into every continent. Individuals and organizations that have followed this principle have experienced similar growth. Make your choice—comfort or conquest. Your salvation is at stake.
I encourage each of you to risk every asset, your reputation, even your life. But do not miss an opportunity to carry the gospel to those that are not ready. This is what GMI and its ministries have done this year. Our monthly operating expenses have doubled in the last six month and we are expected to double or triple it again during the next three months. This is not because we have money, but because God gave us the opportunities to blanket the globe with 12 satellite networks in 10 languages, medical aviation programs on every continent, schools, orphanages, prison ministries, many Bible workers and medical launch programs. "God gives opportunities; success depends upon the use made of them." PP, p. 486. If opportunities come from God, then the very act of seizing them is the guarantee that they will succeed regardless of how impossible they might seem. First you make the commitment then the funds follow afterwards. This is VERY uncomfortable, but the results speak for themselves. Try it. If you are going to survive the future you will need the experience. "According to your faith be it unto you."
This year will prove critical to the great controversy. Seeds of truth planted today through medical, education, publishing and broadcasting will produce a massive harvest when the coming crisis brings the issues before the people. God is raising up thousands worldwide who are willing to place every ounce of effort and every resource into God's work. Are you one of them?
In Bolivia, our ADvenir Spanish Television Network media center has declared 2009 the year of public evangelism. Four large campaigns with some of the church's foremost evangelists will be carried world-wide in eight languages by our ten satellite networks. A half million pieces of literature and books will be distributed. NOW IT IS PLANTING TIME. The great harvest is being made ready.
Among church members there will be increasing polarization and confrontation along lines of truth and compromise and the Spirit of Prophecy. The Elijah message demands an answer from church members. Those willing to stand for known truth will be given more light, while those willing to compromise will soon be struggling with doubt on basic issues salvation, evolution, alternate forms of worship and God's law.
"His special blessing accompanies the labors of men of action; men who will not be swerved from the straight line of duty, but who with divine energy will inquire, "Who is on the Lord's side?" men who will not stop merely with the inquiry, but who will demand that those who choose to identify themselves with the people of God shall step forward and reveal unmistakably their allegiance to the King of kings and Lord of lords. Such men make their wills and plans subordinate to the law of God. For love of Him, they count not their lives dear unto themselves. Their work is to catch the light from the Word, and let it shine forth to the world in clear, steady rays. Fidelity to God is their motto." Prophets and Kings, p. 148.
While in Australia some months ago, I met a pastor who told the story of how, while traveling by bus, he sat next to a lady who openly admitted she was a witch on her way to a large national convention of witches. One of the main purpose of the convention, she told the pastor, was to pray and fast, so that Satan would break apart the homes across Australia through divorce.
This is perfectly in harmony with what is being observed among our churches in North and South America. It is even affecting our volunteers on the front lines. Solid marriages are being stressed and anyone with a spiritual weakness or a secret sin is especially targeted. In one small church we visited recently, three families are breaking apart. Another pastor said that four of his church families have broken apart already. If we were to chart the divorces in our churches, we would no doubt be able to document the disaster. Instead of waiting until the enemy has finished his devastation, we must put our lives spiritually in order and counter-attack by joining the battle to save souls.
Billons of dollars are currently stored up in God's warehouse (Eccl. 2:26) and will be made available to everyone willing to do the work in GOD'S WAY. Those who are daily placing all on the altar in surrender and who demonstrate their supreme loyalty to God and the mission He has given, will find their physical and financial strength renewed (even during times of financial crisis). Learning to trust God and go forward in the face of apparent lack of resources is part of the training process God is using to carry out a great work during these closing months of earth's history. Get ready for this great blessing and fortify your mind with God's promises because the blessing will also be accompanied by the enemy's heightened attempts to discourage God's people.
"The servants of the Lord must expect every kind of discouragement. They will be tried, not only by the anger, contempt, and cruelty of enemies, but by the indolence, inconsistency, lukewarmness, and treachery of friends and helpers . . .Even some who seem to desire the work of God to prosper, will yet weaken the hands of His servants by hearing, reporting, and half believing the slanders, boasts, and menaces of their adversaries. ." Christian Service, p. 240
1. Let nothing interrupt your time with God. Your survival depends on it.
2. When you feel overwhelmed, take a little time to rest and care for your nutrition.
3. Realize that warfare is not vacation. Get used to the bullets flying. When things get tough, tighten you belt, ask for divine energy and protection and keep going.
4. Being a living sacrifice means you will be consumed. God is not calling His people to greater wealth, but to poverty and dependence. Only these will survive spiritually.
5. Living for Jesus can be harder than dying for Him.
6. Only go forward, never backward.
7. All obstacles and setbacks are only an opportunity to regroup, strengthen and enlarge the vision. Then re-engage the enemy.
8. Never compromise on principle. But flexibility on operating details is important to the success of the mission.
9. Think and work as a team player. To do this you will need to be flexible and respect the authority of your team leader, put yourself aside and put the accomplishment of the mission in first place and seek to facilitate and strengthen the work of each of the other team members.
10. Learn greater dependence on God and less dependence on what man can do
11. Pray about everything and seek his guidance in all your work and needs
12. Eliminate input (noise) from the world as much as possible in order to keep God's still small voice audible at all times. Just say "No" to those videos, TV shows and worldly music and literature. You can't afford to miss a single prompting from that "still, small voice."
13. Expect false rumors and to be maligned, even by "friends". However (this is important), do not defend yourself. In proportion to the pain and damage of the rumor will be the honor that God will give you "in the presence of your enemies. Rumors and opposition only bring more visibility to God's work and will advance it further. God will honor and vindicate his work and workers and will discredit the opposition.
14. Always make God's honor foremost, not your own. Remember that if pride is permitted to gain the upper hand, God will have to humble you to the dust in an attempt to save you. It will bring dishonor to God's work and pain to you. Always remind yourself that you are a nobody that God is somehow able to use to do great things.
Remember, the biggest payday is coming; the joy of meeting in heaven those who are there because of your influence and willingness to sacrifice.
You are in our prayers every day. Thank you so much for praying for me too. May the angels' protection and God's provision, peace and joy be with you constantly throughout the year.
From the front lines of the battle,
"Uncle David" Gates
LIGHT CHANNEL TV ON THE AIR: Based in Parscov, Buzau in Romania, the Light Channel media center's earth station begin uplinking its Romanian programming on December 12, 2008 on the Intelsat 901 Satellite covering Europe and Scandanavia. You can view its programming online from www.lightchanneltv.ro. Its Hungarian and German television networks are scheduled to go on the air early next year. Contacts: Romanian: Paul Boeru paulboeru@gmail.com, Hungarian: Ibolya Forrai ibolyaforrai@yahoo.com, German: Adrian Memete adrian.memete@3angels.tv .
PLANE FULL OF MISSIONARIES GOES DOWN IN NICARAGUA: After having organized and directed four beautiful days of Mission Seminars at the University of Montemorelos, our team of missionaries from Bolivia jumped into the Piper Malibu for their flight back home across the Andes mountains. At 10pm at night, 50 miles off the coast of Nicaragua, the plane experienced sudden loss of oil pressure. Read the miraculous story of their emergency landing among the trees in the dark. www.gospelministry.org/blog/?p=536 and www.gospelministry.org/blog/?p=543. Contact Jeff Sutton jjsutton@southern.edu
LUZEIRO PROJECT IN BRAZIL: Based in Manaus, the famed medical launch ministry started by Leo Haliwell, which was closed in the 1990s, has been reborn. The paperwork for the importation of the first launch is almost complete and a second medical launch was just purchased. You will want to read how God miraculously is providing for the beautiful property and houses along a lake that will serve as the base for the medical launches and sea plane. www.gospelministry.org/blog/?p=539 . Contact: Brad Mills brazilmedicallaunch@gmail.com
PHILIPPINES "HE'S COMING BROADCASTING NETWORK": February 1, 2009 is the date for HCBN to go on the air as part of the GloryStar Asia package of networks. The dedication of its new studio in Iloilo City took place on Sabbath, December 13. Dedicated to reaching the entire country, the network will include Tagalog, Ilongo, Cebuano, Chinese and other languages in its broadcasts. Its new web page is www.HCBN.org. Contact Boyz Jamandre b0yz.05@gmail.com
GLOBAL FAMILY NETWORK BEGINS BROADCASTS: GFN, based in Grenada, began uplinking its satellite television transmissions in September on the Intelsat 805 satellite covering the Americas and Western Europe. Keep your eye on its new web page to be launched for information and viewing over the internet www.globalfamilynetwork.tv. Meanwhile view www.gospelministry.org/blog/?p=534. GFN also is going on the air in Grenada on FM radio. All equipment is on hand and being installed. Contact: John Bartels gfn@spiceisle.com or Melissa Summers Melissa@gospelministry.org .
God made it clear that GMI is not only to work overseas but also throughout North America. We were only searching for a larger office where volunteers could work, when God provided us with a beautiful 9000 square foot media center in McDonald, TN. Included are three houses on the property where volunteers can stay. Media and technical specialist volunteers are moving in from around the country to help finish the installation of audio and video equipment. Productions are expected to begin in February. A satellite earth station is also being built which will uplink multiple channels for small dish (Direct to home) reception. These channels will include Spanish, Caribbean (African/Indian) English, a Missions Network (focused on front line mission reports from around the world), and possible one or two other channels. Keep your eyes and ears open, AND please pray for us. Keep your eyes on our web page for details, www.gospelministry.org
P.O. Box 506, Collegedale, TN 37315
Office Tels: 423-473-1841, 423-443-3550
Fax: 423-473-1846
Accounting: christina@gospelministry.org
Volunteers (Bobbi): norbert@gospelministry.org
Spanish: juansurroca@gospelministry.org
General: betsy@gospelministry.org
Web page: www.gospelministry.org
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- Pdt. Sammy Lee
- Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
- Born in Bandung, child-hood and youth in Makassar, high school and tertiary education in Bandung (UNAI) and Sydney(Macquarie University, Sydney) Learned 16 languages, speak fluently in 8. Worked in Indonesia, Malaysia, Macao,China,and Australia. Now serving unpaid (self-supporting) as preacher, evangelist, writer, translator, lecturer and cyberspace consultant, credentialled as Honorary Ordained SDA Minister, Issued by the Australian Union Conference, valid until 31 December 2015.